Saturday, July 17, 2004

Long rough day at work today. No time to eat. Had a cup of soup but it got cold so I tossed it. Got some wings and celery to take home. Ate most, gave Boojie the rest. Best part... Still no drinks!!! Yay!! Today was difficult cuz I could almost feel that ice cold beer sliding down my throat.
I put in 15,900 on the pedometer today. Wow! That's 9.5 miles. But it's only 634 calories. What a letdown. Makes me wish I hadn't looked at that part! Think I'll go have a cheese stick and go to bed.

DebiDeaux.'s Blog

Slept in a bit this morning. Walked Boojie then did 30 minutes of strength/stretch exercises. No aerobics today. I'll get enough at work I think. I'm still fighting this doggone bug. Wish I knew what it was. It's got me sweating like a pig one minute and shivering the next. If I'm not better by Monday, I'll call the doc. Was planning to have an oj smoothie but Bob went back to bed and I don't wanna wake him with the blender so I'll have some yogurt instead. I'm wearing my pedometer again today. I only have 1834 steps in so far. Guess those aerobics really make a difference. I don't think I'll have any trouble getting my 10,000 steps in today, though.

Friday, July 16, 2004

Didn't blog last night cuz the internet went down. Let's see if I can remember it all...
Got in 11,000 steps by the end of the day! Woohoo! Helps to go to Wally World if'n I need a few extra steps. Today I got 13,894. Actually a little more cuz the ped fell off sometime during the lunch rush and I don't really know how long before I noticed it gone. Gosh, coulda been a long time. 'Course, when I wore it last winter I was averaging about 7 miles a day at work.
I'm still not feeling too well so I can't take credit for not drinking and staying on the diet. I had a bowl of Gumbo for lunch (a mistake), had to pick the rice out and after a few bites I didn't want it anymore. For dinner I made a Greek salad with shrimp and crabmeat and bc dressing. Had a piece of string cheese for a late night snack. The thought of alcohol is still turning my stomach. I don't exactly wanna stay sick but it sure would help if I can get through tomorrow without drinking, it'll be easy to avoid drinking the rest of the week.

Thursday, July 15, 2004

One day off

Was sick yesterday. Sore throat, sinus's, achy, etc. No exercise except for Boojie's walk. Spent most of the day in bed. Didn't eat much. A piece of beef sausage w/ mustard and a slice of ham that I gave to Boojie after a coupla bites. Feeling much better this morning. Still have the sinus and sore throat but not as bad. I can live with this.

I did 30 minutes aerobics and 15 minutes strength exercises this morning. I now have 3500 steps in. I forgot to put on pedometer till after Boojie's walk so that's closer to 4500. Just a little short of what I had on Tuesday after my workout. By the end of the day on Tuesday I only had about 8,000 steps in. I guess that means I'm gonna hafta add 2,000 steps to my morning workout. I think I will wait on that. I'm just barely getting the to the end of that 30 minutes. I don't want to strain myself or make too hard a goal for myself.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Day Two

I managed to get my pedometer reset this morning and after walking Boojie and 30 minutes of aerobic dancing I've already got 5,000 steps in. That's half my daily quota! Yea! 'Course, I only got 2800 in after my workout yesterday, so I guess I better step it up a notch to get to 10,000 today. I might need to add a short walk in at the end of the day.
Had my pb smoothie for bf.
Have also decided to go back to Fitday and start keeping that going. It's really eye-opening to see the results there.

Monday, July 12, 2004

Monday July 12, 2004 Evening

Did well today...

B--omelet w/crab and cream cheese
L--Greek salad w/tuna
S--raw veggies
D--Lobster chunks and veggies sauteed in garlic butter
S--Don't know yet but will prob be peanut butter cuz Fi and I were chatting about it earlier and now I am craving it.

I also found myself craving cigs all day. I hope that passes in a day or two cuz I will eat myself into a coma before I'll start smoking again.

Did ok on the exercise...
20 minutes dancing and walking in place
20 minutes strength training - yoga stretches, crunches, free weights.
Had trouble setting the pedometer before starting the day so only clocked 2711 steps so far. Will try again tomorrow.
I still want to get that exercise up to 30 minutes of strenuous aerobic activity at least 5 times a week. I'll be satisfied with 2 or 3 times a week for the strength training.
I spent some time today re-mixing the Bond cd to dance to. Slower songs in beginning and the end. Faster songs in the middle. I'll see how that works tomorrow.

I Updated My Blog

I updated my blog today.
I think I did anyway *wry grin*
You should be able to comment on all blogs created from this one onwards. Click on the date to add a comment. I think you hafta be registered with blogger though to add a comment. Let me know.
Updating blog
We’re off like a herd of turtles…
Got up and weighed in, walked Boojie and then worked out: 20 minutes of aerobics (dancing/walking-in-place) and another 15 of strength training with my free weights and ab crunches and various other exercises. I weigh 153 pounds. Not quite the most I ever weighed but only about 4 pounds off. That was just about 2 months or so ago and I think it was mostly due to a lot of drinking over the weekend and retaining it all. My ultimate goal is 130/135 but my immediate goal is 140 and I might even be happy to stay there. So I guess we’re looking at wanting to loose close to the same amount. My goal for exercise is 30-45 minutes of aerobic exercise at least 5 days a week and strength training 2 or 3 days a week. I am also wearing my pedometer all day starting today to try to attain those 10,000 steps a day. I couldn’t get the darn thing to reset this morning before my walk and workout so I will be content with a few steps less for today.
I also took my measurements and will record them here for prosperity LOL
Neck 14
Bust 42
Waist 35
Hips 40
Arms 13/13
Thighs 22/22
I made an omelet with crab and LF cream cheese for BF. Wasn’t that hungry so gave about a quarter of it to Boojie. I’ve already managed to drink 4 glasses of water. My daily goal is 10 to 12 8oz glasses a day. So here goes the peeing. My first 3 or 4 lbs will mostly be from the additional water probably. For lunch I will fix a romaine salad with tuna and tomatoes and either Caesar or Italian dressing. I haven’t decided on dinner yet but probably a chicken breast and some broccoli and cauliflower and/or a Greek salad. I need to go to the store today and get some ricotta and some yoghurt. On Atkins you couldn’t have those during phase one. Wondering, do you think I can have my homemade smoothie in phase one? I make it with soy protein powder, water, natural peanut butter and flax seed. It’s one of my favorite breakfasts.
You said it takes a while to get your grub ready for the day. So, do you pack a lunch? What do you usually eat?
Oh, yeah, I lurked at the Prevention SB forum for a week or so. I will try to jump in there and introduce myself soon. Also I am gonna start using my blog to journal this diet. AAMOF I think I will copy this letter to it. You can check my blog out at Looking for this I just realized that my tagboard isn’t working. Bummer. I’ll hafta find the time to fix it now.
Well, love ya much and “Boot in the Butt” right back atcha! Debi