Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Trying to get back on track. Only clocked a little over a mile for the whole day on the pedometer. I did forget to put it on before taking Boudreaux for his walk, though. So that's another half mile to add. I had a fairly active day, too. Did laundry and cleaned out a coupla dresser drawers and a kitchen cupboard. Guess I'm gonna hafta get off my duff and march back and forth in the house.

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

What a weekend. Diet suffered greatly. Didn't gain at least.
We saw the Matrix 3 yesterday. Much better than the second one. Also had lunch at Semolina. Not much help on the diet at that eatery. Good food though. I had the Chicken Parm and Bob had the Lasagne. Bob was a little disappointed but only cuz he is a such a carnevore and thought there should be more meat.