Saturday, September 03, 2005

Bob Goeser

Got an email from Bobbo. He was on vacation up north. Herc and Beth Kane were house sitting for him and heard that his house was okay. Good news, Bob. I know how you must be feeling though, so far away and so uncertain of what the future holds for us. We're all glad you're safe, Bob. Stay that way! Keep in touch!

Kay and Joe D

Oh what a surprise to answer the phone to hear Kay's voice! It really can make you feel good to learn that friends are okay.
Joe, Kay and Sherm are safely with Kay's daughter in Alabama.
Kay's heard from a few people from the neighborhood that are in a nearby shelter. She heard rumors about gangs attacking workers trying to restore power in the area. She said she will let me know if she hears any more news.

Ricky is safe!

Thank goodness! Priscilla called to let me know that her sister, Elizabeth heard that Ricky was safely in a shelter. She called back later to tell me that Ricky Sr. picked him up and Ricky Jr is now safe with his family.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Angie Doyle and Family

Angie's home phone was transferred to her cell. I was so glad to learn that she and the family got through safely. Angie said she and Doug are going to look for work right away. They are staying with Angie's brother in Lake Charles. She sounded resigned to whatever fate threw at her.

Bad, bad, sad news from Angie - she heard from Jim and Berta (who are safe, she said) that Cindy (of Don and Cindy) died. I don't think the full impact of this news has hit me yet. I dread when it does.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Priscilla is OK

Finally heard from Priscilla. She and Todd are in a motel in Montgomery, Alabama. Thank God! One less person to worry about! She is pretty sure she has lost everything. She parked her car on a high spot near the house but she's pretty sure the whole house is under water. What a shame. She worked so hard to get her life together. Now it's all gone. They are going to stay in Montgomery till Tuesday after Labor Day then go on to a friend's in Monroe, Louisiana. Kayla is safe with her Aunt Elizabeth.
Priscilla thinks she will get a job, put Kayla in school and settle down in Monroe. She's not too hot on the idea of going back to start over.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Sam and Theresa

I was so surprised when Theresa answered the phone. Woohoo! Sam, Theresa, Amber and Heather spent the hurricane in one of the local churches. Sam did a small "walk-about" in Algiers Point and said that the Point looked pretty good. Lotsa wind damage, lotsa trees down, but no flooding. They had no electricity, but still had running water and gas when I talked to them on Tuesday.
Sam said he would go check out our house Wednesday morning.
I called back Wednesday morning and talked to Heather. Sam was out and about at the time.
I called back later in the day and Theresa answered. Told me they were planning to leave.
Sam took all the perishable food from the Dry Dock Cafe to the local fire department. The Firemen advised them to leave. The gangs and looters from the Eastbank were on their way to the Westbank and it was not going to be safe to stay there.
Theresa said they were going to stay with a friend in Alexandria, LA. She also told me that when they were able to return they would only be returning only long enough to pack up and leave New Orleans for ever. :'o(

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

The Keeney's

Dave answered the cell phone. It is so good to hear a ring instead of that wierd busy signal. He put Sharon on to catch me up to what was happening.
They made it to Hattiesburg, Mississippi with Aaron, Kathleen, Sharon's aunt and a neighbor. I imagine they might have an animal or two with them.
Sharon said they were in a motel with no electricity and no gas for the car. They were expecting to have to leave soon.
Thank the Gods they are safe. I was so worried that they were gonna stay.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Phone Service

Even before Katrina hit, phone service took a big hit. Bob and I just kept scrolling through our phone's contacts lists.
Bob and I were sitting less than 2 feet apart and couldn't call each other.