Saturday, July 17, 2004

DebiDeaux.'s Blog

Slept in a bit this morning. Walked Boojie then did 30 minutes of strength/stretch exercises. No aerobics today. I'll get enough at work I think. I'm still fighting this doggone bug. Wish I knew what it was. It's got me sweating like a pig one minute and shivering the next. If I'm not better by Monday, I'll call the doc. Was planning to have an oj smoothie but Bob went back to bed and I don't wanna wake him with the blender so I'll have some yogurt instead. I'm wearing my pedometer again today. I only have 1834 steps in so far. Guess those aerobics really make a difference. I don't think I'll have any trouble getting my 10,000 steps in today, though.

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