Monday, July 12, 2004

Monday July 12, 2004 Evening

Did well today...

B--omelet w/crab and cream cheese
L--Greek salad w/tuna
S--raw veggies
D--Lobster chunks and veggies sauteed in garlic butter
S--Don't know yet but will prob be peanut butter cuz Fi and I were chatting about it earlier and now I am craving it.

I also found myself craving cigs all day. I hope that passes in a day or two cuz I will eat myself into a coma before I'll start smoking again.

Did ok on the exercise...
20 minutes dancing and walking in place
20 minutes strength training - yoga stretches, crunches, free weights.
Had trouble setting the pedometer before starting the day so only clocked 2711 steps so far. Will try again tomorrow.
I still want to get that exercise up to 30 minutes of strenuous aerobic activity at least 5 times a week. I'll be satisfied with 2 or 3 times a week for the strength training.
I spent some time today re-mixing the Bond cd to dance to. Slower songs in beginning and the end. Faster songs in the middle. I'll see how that works tomorrow.

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