Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Okay, here we go... just one more day to the New Year. I've already started exercising more seriously. I never realized it before but just getting on the exercyle and pedaling will never change my weight or health. Yesterday and today I spent 30 minutes on it at 25 mph, approx 120 bpm heart rate for the full 30 minutes. Still doing the other stretches, yoga and calisthentics as before and then cooling down for 5 to 10 minutes after the cycle.
Starting Thursday I will cut out all alcohol, starchy carbs and snacks.

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Whoa, been a while since I blogged. Guess that's cuz I've been busy with the holiday run-around. Diet is a huge flop right now. I bought a pair of stretch pants yesterday. I've got a feeling I'll be living in them for a while.
I am determined to lose weight after the holidays though. I'm reading Dr. Phil's book now.

Thursday, November 27, 2003

PIGOUT! Yup, that's what I did, awright. It's 5 hours later and I'm still stuffed. Well, at least there's no leftovers screaming my name in the fridge. I can only hope that I can halt the damage this weekend.

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Silly me... shoulda known there's no way I'm gonna diet with the holidays screaming down my neck. Okay, fine, gonna try for some damage control. At least I am still managing to get in a bit of a workout each morning.
All bets are off for tomorrow though. Happy Pigout Day to everyone!

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Trying to get back on track. Only clocked a little over a mile for the whole day on the pedometer. I did forget to put it on before taking Boudreaux for his walk, though. So that's another half mile to add. I had a fairly active day, too. Did laundry and cleaned out a coupla dresser drawers and a kitchen cupboard. Guess I'm gonna hafta get off my duff and march back and forth in the house.

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

What a weekend. Diet suffered greatly. Didn't gain at least.
We saw the Matrix 3 yesterday. Much better than the second one. Also had lunch at Semolina. Not much help on the diet at that eatery. Good food though. I had the Chicken Parm and Bob had the Lasagne. Bob was a little disappointed but only cuz he is a such a carnevore and thought there should be more meat.

Thursday, November 13, 2003

Last week I got on the scale and was totally appalled by it. My weight was just below 160 pounds! I still don't know if it was 158 or 159 cuz I was so stunned that I jumped right off of there. I went through the weekend as usual - pretending to myself that I was eating low-carb, but actually eating anything what I felt like.
Monday morning I started a food journal. Not actually dieting, yet, but just recording everything that goes into my mouth. I got on the scale this morning and while still too high, at least it wasn't as high. Today I weigh 152 pounds. I am beginning to think that the 160 reading was probably just water retention, cuz I know I didn't lose that much just from keeping a journal. Since starting the journal I've noticed that I am drinking plenty of water and not hitting the snacks nearly so hard. So maybe there's something to this journalling stuff.

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Okay, this is way cool! I really had a lot of fun putting this together. Learned a lot too!
Wow, I forgot all about this blog I started way back when. Well, to update - I started smoking again but finally quit on October 28, 2002. Feels so good to be smoke free! I still need to lose weight. The pounds just keep creeping on. I tried the Sugar Busters and stayed on Atkins for most of this last year. I just can't stick to them. There's always a cheat somewhere so the weight just doesn't budge. Now I have decided to keep a food diary for a while just to monitor my eating and see what comes of that.