Thursday, November 13, 2003

Last week I got on the scale and was totally appalled by it. My weight was just below 160 pounds! I still don't know if it was 158 or 159 cuz I was so stunned that I jumped right off of there. I went through the weekend as usual - pretending to myself that I was eating low-carb, but actually eating anything what I felt like.
Monday morning I started a food journal. Not actually dieting, yet, but just recording everything that goes into my mouth. I got on the scale this morning and while still too high, at least it wasn't as high. Today I weigh 152 pounds. I am beginning to think that the 160 reading was probably just water retention, cuz I know I didn't lose that much just from keeping a journal. Since starting the journal I've noticed that I am drinking plenty of water and not hitting the snacks nearly so hard. So maybe there's something to this journalling stuff.

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